Recognizing and understanding the

Therapeutic Journey

The therapeutic process in counselling most often works in four stages. The length of each phase is determined by each individual and the issues that brought them to seek therapy.

The journey is not a complete cycle, but one that is fluid, moving back and forth through each phase. When we initiate change, this may lead to further discoveries which necessitates more examination and change.

Recognizing and understanding this journey helps develop a different perspective of past issues leading you towards wellness, growth and empowerment.

Four Stages

Building a Foundation

Committing to Change to Reach your Goals

The initial consultation involves completing intake and consent forms, as well as forming the foundation of the client-counsellor relationship. This phase can last from one to four sessions.

Guided Discovery

Exploring Issues, Thoughts and Emotions

As much as we would like to begin the healing process and make immediate changes, investigation or discovery of the core issues buried within each problem is vital. Many times, the pain experienced from what we assume to be current life circumstances, is rooted in the past and in what we believe to be true about ourselves, our relationships, our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

This is the phase where safety and stabilization are vital.

Examination & Change

Learning Insights and Developing Skills and Strengths

This third phase is when most of the inner work is done. This is where we look within to explore and examine past beliefs that affect current thoughts and feelings and contribute to emotional, mental, and often physical pain.

This exploration includes how these beliefs influence and have power over your current life; how and why the beliefs were helpful, and determine if they still are.

This is the stage where strategies for positive change are developed, and ideas are formed to ensure that these changes are long-lasting.


Embodying Change for Long-Term Benefits

It is in this fourth phase when everything you have learned about yourself, the changes you have been slowly making and all the new desired thoughts, feelings and beliefs come together.

This is when you have faced and understood your pain; previous negative thoughts and behaviours have been rejected, and new positive thought and behaviour patterns have been formed and developed.

In the beginning, it may feel difficult, unnerving and strange with this new and empowered you. Transformation is not easy, but it is completely worth it in the end.

Questions? Please contact us.